Iconfactory Freeware Archive
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Echelon 8.5
Dark modern looking system replacement icon set.
- on May 1, 1999
- © The Iconfactory
- Download for Mac
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Keywords: app appearance apple application assistant baby black blue blush bubblegum candy chrome clipboard clipping colorsynch construction contextual control custom dark dayglow default disabled dozer ec85 echelon electric encoding extension extra favorite finder flesh font fushia gedeon goo hardware help hole ice icon iconfactory internet iron launcher lemon lilac locked looking macface maheux menu mint modern opal outbox panel pearl pine plasma plastic plumb preference print pumpkin redalert replace replacement scheme script scroller set shared sherlock snow software standard startup strip suite sunflower sunset support system taffy titanium trash umber voice zolo
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The Iconfactory
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Suite B #252
Greensboro, NC 27410
The Iconfactory
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Stockholm 112 54