Iconfactory Freeware Archive
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SpaceCon OS
Classic set of sci-fi-style system replacement icons.
- on November 1, 1997
- © The Iconfactory
- Download for Mac
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Keywords: airlock app apple basic bold brasgalla calc cartoon cd classic color colorful construction control custom cute dave default deskpix doc droid email empty extension fi fiction finder folder font fun future game gedeon graphic green iconfactory icons kid kidcon kids maheux menu navigator pict pixel planetoid player pref preference quicktime replace replacement sci science scifi server set shared shuttle simple slime space spacecon spacecondropper spacegirl spaceguy spco standard starbase station strip style system tools trash ufo www
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The Iconfactory
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Suite B #252
Greensboro, NC 27410
The Iconfactory
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Stockholm 112 54