Iconfactory Freeware Archive
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IF 200th Set
The Iconfactory's 200th freeware icon collection.
- on June 15, 2004
- © The Iconfactory
- Download for Mac
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Keywords: 200 200t 200th angle app apple application bin box burn can candybar cb cd classic clipping collection connect copland custom customize default delete developer disk document drive drop dumpster eject external factory favorite find finder firewire folder freeware garbage hd icon iconfactory iconfactory's idisk imac info internal ipod library location movies network os panic perspective picture pixel private public recycle replace replacement set shared standard system toolbar trash usb user waste woc worker
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Phone: (336) 299-5251
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The Iconfactory
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Suite B #252
Greensboro, NC 27410
The Iconfactory
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Stockholm 112 54